Student Code of Conduct
Behaviour that Allied Healthcare Mentor expects of students who participate in the Virtual Work Experience is outlined in the document below. You must agree to abide by this code of conduct in order to participate in the programme.
Students are bound by these criteria whilst engaging in Allied Healthcare Mentor activities.
Allied Healthcare Mentor expects students to:
- To behave in a responsible manner that will help to foster mutual respect and understanding between all students, Allied Healthcare Mentors and University/venue/hospital staff members
- To act within the law and not to engage in any activity or behaviour that is likely to bring Allied Healthcare Mentor into disrepute;
- To behave and communicate in ways that do not unreasonably offend others. Examples of unreasonably offensive behaviour include using abusive or obscene language and engaging in any form of discriminatory or anti-social behaviour;
- To treat with respect everyone with whom they come into contact, whilst attending a Allied Healthcare Mentor event (in person or online)
- To treat all Allied Healthcare Mentor and the respective websites with respect;
- To comply with requests of Allied Healthcare Mentor;
- To adhere to the Allied Healthcare Mentor’s website’s safeguarding, service agreement and privacy policies and to any specific requirements that apply to areas where Allied Healthcare Mentor’s online events take place;
- to provide their Allied Healthcare Mentor with a student ID card or other form of identification when asked to do so;
Allied Healthcare Mentor considers the forms of inappropriate conduct that are set out below, to constitute misconduct that is likely to lead to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct. However, the list should not be regarded as exhaustive.
- Unacceptable behaviour arising from the consumption of alcohol.
- The possession or use of illegal drugs.
- Discrimination, harassment, or victimisation of others on the grounds of their age, disability, gender, gender re-assignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, religion, belief, or sexual orientation.
- Failure to respect the rights of others to freedom of speech within the law, as required by s.43 of the Education Act (No.2) 1986.
- Disorderly, threatening, bullying, or offensive behaviour or language whilst at a Allied Healthcare Mentor online event, engaged in any of Allied Healthcare Mentor’s virtual activity (including WhatsApp), or using Allied Healthcare Mentor’s online resources.
- Any action that is likely to cause injury or impairment of safety at Allied Healthcare Mentor’s online events.
- Any behaviour that damages Allied Healthcare Mentor’s reputation with its local communities, as evidenced by complaints from residents, residents’ groups, local representatives or the police.
- Any behaviour that damages, or that has the potential to damage, Allied Healthcare Mentor’s relationship or reputation with external organisations and groups.
- Bullying or harassment of any kind towards a student, Allied Healthcare Mentor or any other person on an Allied Healthcare Mentor online event or activity, by any means including cyber-bullying, cyber-harassment, or harassment through social media, whether via Allied Healthcare Mentor resources or via personal equipment.
- Actions that involve making defamatory statements and/or false claims about a Allied Healthcare Mentor or another student on a Medic Mentor course.
- Damage to, defacement of, or misappropriation of, Allied Healthcare Mentor property or the respective websites, whether caused intentionally or recklessly.
- Misuse or unauthorised use of Allied Healthcare Mentor or venue premises and property, including computer misuse.
- Recording Allied Healthcare Mentor lectures, other academic sessions or conversations without the agreement of the person(s) involved, or with the express permission of Allied Healthcare Mentor.
- Failure to disclose details of personal identification to a Allied Healthcare Mentor in circumstances in which it is reasonable to require that such information be given.
- Theft, fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to Allied Healthcare Mentor and its students, or while on Allied Healthcare Mentor-related activities;
- Persistent possession or use of illegal drugs;
- The supply of illegal drugs;
- Any unacceptable behaviour that results from the possession, use or supply of illegal drugs;
- Other behaviour that constitutes a potential criminal offence towards Allied Healthcare Mentor or towards any other individual
- Behaviour that constitutes a potential risk to the health, safety and well- being of Allied Healthcare Mentors, students, parents, teachers or staff members, or that creates a legal liability for Allied Healthcare Mentor;
- Physical violence towards others, or the threat of physical violence;
- Any other behaviour that compromises the reputation Allied Healthcare Mentor.
Procedure for dealing with breaches of the Student Code of Conduct
- Where it is alleged that a student has breached the Student Code of Conduct, the matter will be reviewed by Medic Mentor Chief Mentors and escalated to the Presidents, in accordance with the disciplinary procedure, detailed below.
- Where an Allied Healthcare Mentor encounters a student violating the Student Code of Conduct, whilst on a Allied Healthcare Mentor residential course, and this is corroborated by another Allied Healthcare Mentor, a student, or electronic evidence, the matter may, at the discretion of the relevant senior Mentor (who will be a healthcare professional, doctor, dentist or vet), lead to the student being removed from the Allied Healthcare Mentor community and all Allied Healthcare Mentor programmes (without a refund). Their parent/carer will be informed and, if indicated, the police will be informed.
- The parent must also be willing to openly and honestly discuss the concerns raised with the Senior Mentor.
By signing below, you are agreeing to abide by Allied Healthcare Mentor’s Student Code of Conduct